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Runners Venezuela


-Runners Venezuela-

-Carrera Color-


-Social Media-
-Print & Digital Collateral-
-Swags and Marketing Material

Runners Venezuela is an Association from Caracas, Venezuela. Their main mission is to promote a healthy life style using Running as a tool for social change, gathering runners from all over the city with different social status, political ideology, and lifestyle.

As regular attendant of one of their meeting points, I decided to design a simple post for Social Media after seeing their needs to promote a local weekly event, and the frequent asked question by interested individuals. Days passed and one of their leaders contacted me about a future event they were currently working on, and asked me to come up with ideas for a logo. One year later, they decided to move forward with my idea and we started to work together on their Visual Identity as Runners Venezuela and their main event, Carrera Color.


The most recurrent task by the Organization was to keep their potential clients aware of any news and relevant information around the event. As well as trying to gain more followers that might turn into attendants.

As the Designer, I was in charge of daily posts for Social Media platforms, creating colorful post as an incentive for the followers to register to the race, and to inform through graphics any relevant information to already registered runners.


Since we are a small team, part of this was to avoid overwhelming comments and e-mails from participants asking for information, simplifying condensed information into graphics.


At the same time, I was in charge of all the swag and required products for the event to happen. I worked together with the Organization and the different companies and manufacturers to bring all the swag and products to life.

As we were living in a country going through economic crisis, as a designer I encountered many obstacles and barriers in front of me. Since they started as just a few athletes trying to bring something different to the city, their budget was tight and at least at first, we depended on the Sponsor to afford the Production of materials.

However, their Second Edition, and the first one for me, was a success that helped us to bring the event to different cities, luring new sponsor and interested companies, one of them being a renowned clothing manufacturer back home, who helped us to put more color into the Shirt for the event in Valencia.

I was in charge of the Design and formatting ready for production of items such as: Shirts, Banners, BIBs or Participant Number Identifier, Finisher Medal, and Lanyards, and more items as situations and needs appeared throughout the days before the event.




The outcome of the time I spent working with Runners Venezuela was an incredible reception by the community, which led to sponsors and local organizations trying to be involved and to bring the event to their cities. With me as Designer and Art Director in charge, we took sold out events to the cities of Caracas (x2), Valencia, and Maracaibo. As well as significantly increasing the numbers on Social Media.

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